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作者: 来源: 发布时间:2022年03月22日 点击数:

姓名: 张纹珑

最后学历学位: 教育博士

专业技术职称: 副教授


工作单位: 心理健康教育专业/特教系


在美进修双硕士及博士研究「应用戏剧在美新移民学习困难华人儿童英语及元认知」。后续研究「应用戏剧在教育」及「应用戏剧于特殊需求」领域上成绩卓越,研究成果在理论与实践上都具有高价值。参与国内外研讨会,发表期刊论文及专书等40余篇,主持多项科研项目。目前担任「中国心理学会临床与咨询委员会」艺术治疗学组戏剧治疗顾问,国际创造性艺术教育与治疗CAET全球论坛主持人,美国中西部大学博士导师,舞动帕金森(Dance for Parkinson Disease)中国区导师,创造性艺术教育与治疗协会(IACAET)中国区常务理事;北京大学、北京师范大学,上海大学、上海师范大学 等知名高校讲座,荣获专业肯定。



2.西部地区县域特殊教育教师专业素养调查研究、教育部2021项目课题 2021-2023第二成员

3.广西3-6岁特殊幼儿早期干预系统构建、广西教育科学题项目省级、2020-2022 成员



1.A True Story of Chinese Children Learning English Through Readers' Theatre. 2005, The Applied Theatre Researcher/IDEA Journal, 6(9). International Drama Education Association(IDEA).ISSN1443-1726. 应用戏剧国际期刊

2.A Study of Applied Drama Theatre in ADHD Students Society Abilities. 2006, International Art Education Journal, 4(2), 65-83. International Art Education Journal.国际期刊

3.读者剧场:建立戏剧与学习的连线舞台(编译) 2007, 成长文教基金会 ISBN 9789572904374 独立撰写

4.Drama Therapy Counseling on Mental Health Care of College Students.2019.9. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 16(19), 3560. SSCI, 第一作者

5.Drama Therapy for ADHD Students in Southern China.2019.12. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology,125(7). SCI, 第一作者

6.Revision of the Physical and Mental Health Scale for Taiwanese University Teachers in Fuzhou. 2019.12. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology,125(7). SCI, 第一作者

7.Application Expressive Art Therapy in Chinese Children with Learning Disabilities’ Language and Character Education.2020.3. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology,126(3). SCI, 第一作者

8.Study on the Relationship between the Use of Social Software and Social Efficacy of Vocational Students with Hearing Impairment in South China. 2020.8 Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 127(1), 578. SCI, 第一作者

9.General Education and Art Education University Teachers’ Physical and Mental Health Scale.2021.1. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology128(1). SCI, 第一作者

10.Research on the Mental Stress of College Students in Southwest China amid the COVID-19 Epidemic. 2021.8. Forest Chemicals Review, 272-279. EI, 通讯作者

11.The Invention Patent Method of Rhythm Speech Test Applied to Estimate Fat and Sugar  Consumption in Endurance Exercise of Bicycle. 2021.10. Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2021-MEDICA 5 PAG 2599. SCI, 通讯作者

12.The Application of Classroom Teaching Implementation of Chinese Painting in Primary and Secondary Schools in Art Teachers’Teaching Strategies. 2021.11. Forest Chemicals Review, 418-426. EI, 通讯作者

13.Creative Arts Therapy on the Mental Health of Students in Smoke-free Universities.2021.12, Tobacco Regulatory Science, 7(6), 5475-5480. SSCI, 第一作者

14.The Impact of Positive Psychological Ability on College Students' Mental Health Level after COVID-19 Outbreak. 2021.12, Tobacco Regulatory Science, 7(6), 5794-5805. SSCI通讯作者

15.On Gesell Evaluation System for Disabled Children in Minority Areas. 2022.01, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. 2022, Article ID 4210116, 7 pages, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/4210116 SCI, 通讯作者

16.Study on the Relationship Between Rearing Style, Interpersonal Communication Ability and Emotion Regulation of Junior Middle School Students with Hearing Impairment. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Volume 25, July 2022. ISSN:1461-1457, SCI二区, 2022.7第一作者

17.Study on the Effect of Psychodrama Therapy on the Emotional Regulation of College Teachers During the Epidemic of COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Volume 25, July 2022. ISSN:1461-1457, SCI二区, 2022.7第一作者

18.Study on the Effect of Artificial Intelligence on One-to-One Emotional Regulation and Psychological Intervention System of Middle School Students. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Volume 25, July 2022. ISSN:1461-1457, SCI二区, 2022.7通讯作者

19.Research on PEP-3 Psychological Education Evaluation System for Disabled Children and Autistic Children in Minority Areas. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2022; 26 (16): 5786-5792. DOI: 10.26355/eurrev_202208_29516 ISSN:1128-3602, SCI 三区, 2022.9通讯作者


1.美国佛罗里达大学 硕博士研究奖学金

2.美国佛罗里达 优秀华人研究奖学金




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